Standardized certification that a product
is developed and manufactured
in democratic countries

Standardized certification that a product is developed and manufactured in democratic countries

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Made-in-D is a not for profit organization dedicated to certifying products that are made in democratic countries. 

We hope that this certification would give consumers the ability to distinguish and select products that are made in democratic countries. Long term it is our hope to create incentives for countries to evolve in a more democratic direction, something that is often lacking today.  


The purpose of Made-in-D is to create a label on products that fulfill certain requirements:

  • The product is developed in democracies.
  • The product is assembled in democracies.
  • 90% or more of the value of the Bill of Materials (BOM) comes from democratic countries.
  • The manufacturer has self-certified the above using a standard software.
  • A certifying non-profit organization (D for Democracy) supervises and audits products worldwide to make sure standards are upheld.

Worldwide trends for democracy are worrying.
Hybrid semi-democratic regimes are going in wrong direction, declining, particularly in pluralism.

Source: The Economist Democracy Index similar trends seen by Freedom House

Slow progress towards democracy vs rapid regressions in many other parts of the world such as Africa and Asia.

Economist democracy index scores and Freedom House progression.


The idea for how to improve things started with one simple question: What power does the “average-Joe” citizen have to contribute to democratic principles and human rights in the world?

De facto as a private citizen in a democracy the amount of power is limited, one can vote, campaign and aid to elect an official who (may) represent the promotion of democratic principals.

One can become active and protest dictators in his own democratic country, for example in front of a given embassy. But these protests are systematically ignored by dictatorships.

In many cases, the greatest single power a citizen in a democratic country has is that as a CONSUMER. That is by making a responsible choice as to what he purchases or not.

De facto as a private citizen in a democracy the amount of power is limited, one can vote, campaign and aid to elect an official who (may) represent the promotion of democratic principals.

One can become active and protest dictators in his own democratic country, for example in front of a given embassy. But these protests are systematically ignored by dictatorships.

In many cases, the greatest single power a citizen in a democratic country has is that as a CONSUMER. That is by making a responsible choice as to what he purchases or not.

So, today I can buy “Bio” and I can buy “fair trade” if I want…..

But I can’t buy a product by it’s “Democratic Content”!

How do I distinguish a cell phone made in a factory in a democratic country….

From one made in a slave labor camp in a dictatorship?

Today you can’t!

The purpose of Made-in-D is to create a label on products that fulfill certain requirements:

  • The product is developed in democracies.
  • The product is assembled in democracies.
  • 90% or more of the value of the Bill of Materials (BOM) comes from democratic countries.
  • The manufacturer has self-certified the above using a standard software.
  • A certifying non-profit organization (D for Democracy) supervises and audits products worldwide to make sure standards are upheld.

The software generates a report certifying that based on given information the product is “D” certified as made in democracies.

  • The software would generate a result based on inputs and results of “D” or not “D” for democratically made
  • A high-level report with overall results of the self certification is sent to central registration, and a unique identifier is created.
  • The unique identifier, along with a link to the unique product certification on the Made-in-D website is generated soon after.
  • The producer can then add the symbol of “D” on their packaging and the link to the certificate on the product, as well as a corresponding QR code the consumer can scan.
  • The consumer can use the above to verify the democratic content and make an educated selection of products!

How Countries Are Ranked

Determination of list of countries

Made-in-D does not attempt to classify, discriminate or decide which countries are democratic. We review respected sources which have ranked countries by political freedom, electoral freedom and similar criteria. This is generally defined as the ability for independent parties to freely select candidates and participate in elections.

How Countries Are Ranked

Determination of list of countries.

Made-in-D does not attempt to classify, discriminate or decide which countries are democratic. We review respected sources which have ranked countries by political freedom, electoral freedom and similar criteria. This is generally defined as the ability for independent parties to freely select candidates and participate in elections.

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